Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Land of Unknown

The Land of Unknown
I remember the day I surrendered my life to God and since that day I lean on His guidance. It hasn’t been smooth and perfect but I am so glad that He holds my hand and leads me day by day.
Just few months ago I didn’t know what a halo traction was or how would a wheel chair fit in a living room, much less could I imagine one of my kids in it. I remember the day I typed “a halo traction” in Google search and was devastated from the info I found. I had many questions and only a few answers. And yet the peace and calmness overfilled my heart, I know it sounds impossible,  but I felt the Hand of my Heavenly Father holding me and giving me strength to take another step by faith. Sometime it’s scary and frightful.

I am so thankful that He reminded me through His Word that just as the Israelites were scared and frightened that night they spend by the Red Sea, they did not see anything happening yet God was working on a miracle, the miracle that would open the door to the Promised Land -the Land of Unknown.  It says: “The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land.” Ex. 14:21  Praise God for working on so many miracles even when we cannot see it.

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