Thursday, November 11, 2010

God's blessings

Hello my dear friends and families,
It has been a while since I wrote you so now I don’t know where I should begin…
Well first of all I want to thank God for all His blessings in our lives. This year has been full all them and I know the year is not over yet.
The summer was full of opportunities to work on God’s field and to spread His Gospel even to far little mountain villages. We did some VBSs  and helped with translation. We are so glad and honored that God could use us for His glory. It was so great to see old grandmas and grandpas coming to see Jesus film after a long, hard day of working on the fields. I was so encouraged to see God working in a real way. I was interpreting for one pastor from USA in a little village. We met in an old cultural club house (where earlier communists used to meet and preach their ideas) and began an evangelism meeting. First there were only a few but as it god darker and people finished their work and home they stared coming. Soon there were more then 40 people who don’t go to any church because the village is so far away that there is no church to go to. After few testimonies and songs pastor shared the message God had laid on his heart. It was so amazing to see when 12 people of all ages came forward to pray and ask God to forgive their sins!!! Nothing was able to make those people to take that first step except the Holy Spirit who was working in that place. I praise God for allowing me to see His great work!!!
Also I want to share one great news and a blessing from God!!! As soon as we returned from USA this spring I felt something was wrong with me. First I thought that it was all the changes and adjustments to “new” food. But soon we went to a doctor and she told us there was nothing to worry about, all what we had to do was to prepare to become a new mommy and daddy!!!  So with God’s help we are going to have a baby sometime around new year!!! We are very excited and of course a little anxious but we know we have the Greatest Teacher and the Father whom we can imitate.