Thursday, March 28, 2013

When God knocked at our door…
This is what I recently wrote in my jeornal: (Sorry for all the mistakes) 
When God knocked at our door….
It was an usual day. We woke up, dressed, ate, prayed and went to work. Nothing was special about it but only until someone knocked at our door. “Who could it be?” – I thought, hurrying to open it. I could not believe my own eyes. Right there, in front of me, Jesus was standing. I started to nervous. I wanted to offer Him something but I was motionless. Finally He smiled and asked: “May I come in?” “Of course, please, come in and have some tea with us.” “Thank you, that’s very nice of you but I need a place to  stay not only for a visit…” “ Do you mean, stay with us forever?   Of course Jesus we would love to keep You but we are not ready yet. Look,  your room is not ready yet, it still needs lots of work, and right now we are very busy and cannot give you as much of attention as you need…It’s not like we don’t want you to stay with us, we do, we always wanted. We even talked about it but it’s not the right time for us yet, do you understand? “Yes I do, but it is not want I am asking you for. All I really need is a heart that can love, a place that can be my home and someone I can call Mommy and Daddy. 
Only than I saw that the person that was standing in front of me was not Jesus anymore but an eight year old boy whose eyes told the whole story, a story that was too much to bear.
He looked into my eyes while waiting for the answer… and than he was ready to leave.
But could I let him go? Go where? There was nobody he could go to. He had already waited for nearly 5 years without an answer….
No, we could not let him go. He belongs here. Yes, maybe we don’t have a perfect place but we have a loving place. We are not perfect parents but we are willing to change. We have fears about the future but we know the One Who holds it.

So, we said yes to this sweet little boy, whose name is Tyomka and soon (we hope the documents will be ready soon) he will come home to live with us. Timka is very excited and prays for his new brother every day.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hello everybody,
I know that it has been a long long time since I wrote anything but I am going to try to keep up.
God is blessing us sooo much in everyday life that I cannot stop thanking Him and singing Him praises.
After a very good time in USA (Nov - Dec 2012) we are back home trying to catch up with so many different things. The very same day we arrived  on January 31 we were involved in a youth program. Youth prepared a very good program for the New Year celebration and we were blessed to be a part of it. It was so nice to see our big  church family again. For us our church is our life!!! We are thankful to God for our precious young people who are so open for God and His work.
January went very fast for us because half of it there were all kinds of celebrations and that meant going to church, visiting friends and resting.
I started teaching English the second half of the month. And this is another reason to thank God for. We often talk with Steven about the job God gave us so we can do ministry and be with the family all the time!!! For those of you who doesn't know what I am talking about I will explain. In our schools children study English but not always it is taught good enough so parents asked me to help their kids. So now I have 4 groups of kids (about 5 kinds in each group) which come to our house after school and I try to help them with English. It is  not high paid job but we like it because it allows us to do what we like - to do the ministry God called us.
In Feb. we visited grandparents (my parents) who live 140 mls away. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed the time of fellowship with the family and old friends. God gave an opportunity for Steven to share God's Word in two churches (he preached 4 times)
I am so ready for the sun to come out and bring to life everything around. It's been cold and raining almost  the whole half of March and I hope that soon it will change.
Timka is growing very fast. I cannot believe that he is already two. He is keeping us very busy.
His favorite things now are to jump in puddles, help his daddy to build our house, help mommy to cook, sing songs, play with his the most favorite toys - trains, read books and to go for long walks. Oh, and yes, his recent passion is to ask mommy hundred questions, "What is it? and Where it lives?!  It is so funny when he speaks with his Ukrainian friend and tries to explain to them something in English. But he is getting better and better in making a difference between the two languages. He would be talking with us in English when the grandpa comes in, and right away Timka starts speaking with him in Ukrainian. I am so thankful to God for the privilege to watch a healthy boy grow.

I know I am forgetting tons of stuff but I will write next time. Now I want to say that I am so blessed to have you , my friends. I pray that as I am writing these words God would visit each of you no matter where you are and meet your needs as He sees fits best.
We love you and are waiting for your responses, God bless you.