Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hello to everybody,
It is been awhile since I have written on my blog, but I hope you understand and will forgive me:)
            First of all I would like to thank everyone for praying for us. Your prayers are heard by God. Sometimes in the morning I have no idea how to survive the coming day but in the evening I feel even better that in the morning…. You wonder why, me too? In the Bible God told me that He hears the prayers of His children. And I know that somewhere someone prayed for me that day and God in His love and mercy carried me through hard and busy day. So, please continue to do your great work!
            I want to thank God for helping us in the ministry. We continue to do what God has laid on our hearts, and that is working with youth and children in a town of Perechin. During summer we don’t have as many children coming as during a school year because many of them go to help grandparents with gardens and farm. Many have to stay at home to help parents but we pray that Holy Spirit would work in their hearts wherever they might be.
            With God’s help we already finished one Vacation Bible School, VBS, in mountain village. Today we are going to another village, not too far from Perechin. I’ve never been there but Steven, (my husbandJ) went there with Jason Sturtevant, one missionary from USA, on a Bible trip and people were very friendly to them. They invited them to come again, so we will use the opportunity of an open door. Steven says that people there live very simple but suffer from alcoholism. And it is our passion to bring Hope through Christ to such families and children. So please pray that God would go ahead of us and prepare their hearts for the Gospel.
Be blessed, Steven and Vita Kohutka.

P.S. This post was supposed to be posted on Tuesday but our internet was not working. Sorry for the late updates :) 

P.S. I am still trying to figure it out how to post pictures, so please be patient with me, thanks.